quotes...... they are a part of Me.. Influencing ,Seducing and SUckin me into it.... in more ways than one..
it's been a while since i've done this.. and i know i'm actually supposed to be working on an article ~ sports is my religion.. but i need to do more sports b4 i can write that... need to be one with it..haha..sounds funny.. but here are a couple of quotes.. all from oth... and i got all this over the net from ppl's blogs, websites etc...
"At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes…all you need is one."
it may be true at times all u need is one..but most of the times i think u may need more than one so think of it that way..be it the first sentence or the 2nd...be there for ppl when the need u the most..if u cant be by their sides..at least be with them in their hearts,their minds and their souls...
Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone and do not be troubled about the future for it is yet to come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth the memory.’ Ida W. Scott
it says do not look back and grieve over the past.. but i think maybe the 'and' should have been "to" instead... u need to look back... but dont keep lookin and sulk there... move fwd or at least be in ur present time...and take wat u can from the past so it may serve u well in the future..
Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do? Give up? Quit? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you gotta fight like hell to make sure you’re still alive. ‘Cause you are, and that pain you feel, that’s life. The confusion and fear, that’s there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better. And that ‘something’ is worth fighting for.”
Sometimes that something is all that counts for and it's all that matters..
"Don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall, because most of the time the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you'll get everything you wish for. Maybe you'll get more than you ever could have imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination."
Facing our fears is something we all eventually have to do.. be it breakin up with someone, coming out of the closet,confessing about something u've done, confront someone..but the fact is we have to or we shall nvr leave out past and move fwd...