boy does time fly...
times does really go faster when u're enjoying urself or relaxing..coz u would be too busy being occupied with having fun and relaxing that u forget how much of time is actually spent doin those things...i for one am witness to that..coz my 3 weeks of holidays have come and gone like nothing was like i was just back yesterday.. i had a great time here..meeting family,relatives, friends and so on...played lotsa badminton, futsal....watched as much as i could..sleep late ...get up football and tv neighbour belanja me makan,...take me movie..go lepak at my old working place...met old frens...go is good and laid back in the town they call sungai dull as it can be sometimes life rox they say no place like home..the perfect place for relaxation i think...just lay back and chill...tomolo morning will be leaving back for the city life....back to all the studyin and stuff...but that aint bad at all..looking forward to it as well..meeting up with college frens and so goes on...would i ditch the sometimes or soon to be stress life of studying for the sp life of just putting my legs up on the computer table and relax all the time....??? if i was getting paid why not...but the reality is that u'll never be able to that ...unless u get a job that u can work from do u get that job?? u have to study hard first and then work hard only before u'll get a job like that unless of course u're some super computer genius or something like that...nothing in life is easy to put things in a simple manner...u have to work for would be such a waste if u didnt live life to the fullest and live up to the potential that is within all of us..dont wait for something to come to u...go ahead and take it by yourself.. life is all about choices...make the right choices..u are who u choose to be... be all that u can be or life aint worth it coz life is too short... and the most important thing never give up....
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