Saturday, March 11, 2006

thinGs always change fRom good to bad or vicE versA.... iT harDly ever stAYs the same...

it's seriously been a rollercoaster ride for me of maybe a ferris wheel this week...people always compare life to being a roller coaster ride.. maybe coz so many things happen at different speeds ... but what if u were to compare a few days in ur life to a ferris wheel instead... although it may not have many loops or turns or 360 turns and so on... but basically the concept is still the same,.. u have ups and downs... but just with a little less speed and being more of a calmer ride... i had a great start last friday though... had lunch with frens and 2 lecturers, was part of an auction deal.. it was definitely one of the best lunch times i spent in my life...honestly it was... maybe there were 2 real reasons to it... the first of course was bcoz it was with one of the lecturers that once i never understood but then now my perception of him has totally changed... he's a damn great lecturer,..and sometimes talking to him is different than talking to other lecturers or teachers... most lecturers would usually only talk about studies and so on and very seldomly skip into some topics outside of studies.. but this guy.. jahn cheah.. he's different.. lots of ppl dont like him.. but there just something bout this guy that makes him no time is wasted... it was friday so it was like fridays with jahn? instead of tuesdays with morrie...and the other thing was somehow i felt my classmates, we'll were like getting closer to each other.. knowing one another better..thats really great... b4 this there were like 4 different clans should i say in our class... one was the smart genius students.. then there was another group of guys quite smart as well... another guy who we'll kinda werent close to... and my group of frens... somehow or another we'll couldnt never click together..and everyting was usually limited to hellos and how ru...but now its getting better..and i'm enjoying every second of it..hehe..saturday was fine nothing much happened..went to my cousins place and edu fair... then came sunday... sunday started out fine... went out in the night and slept over at my frens place.. hanged out with rc and azraai... supposed to go for movie but then something happened and couldnt the bad days were kinda starting... but then it had it good part as well.. ended up at my frens place watching ray and playing bomberman ... hahah .. damn fun though.. ray the movie bout ray charles is awesome.. jamie foxx is damn good potraying ray charles... and the music.. just wow.. u guys have to watch it... then monday had to come... had a basketball competition that day.. played like crap.. ended up losing badly in each match of the worst games i played and i had to fall down awkwardly and injured my elbow... it was bad that day..bending it would hurt... but it's better now though.. then tuesday came... although still injured ... i couldnt help not playin football.. since my football boots have gone to a place where shoes go when they outlive their lives..shoe heaven... i played barefooted..and injured my leg this time..haha.. one after another bad thing happend.. suppose to have physics test the next day... but i ended goin home and knocking out myself till the next day.. to get up and not studied one bit for test... and instantly i thought i was having one of those times where everyday something bad happens... but somehow it changed.. ups and downs... physics test wasnt that bad... actually managed to do it ok... was suprised myself..not sure bout how i'll fare..but it felt good somehow... and then something really great happened.... maybe one of the happiest moments in my life so far... and i felt a change in things that were to happen... friday was another awesome day... me and my classmates all went to sunway pyramid...went ice skating... damn fun.. although some were falling..first timers... i lucky knew how to skate abit..but kinda became a bit show off later on.. and ended up falling as well..hahaha.. tryin to act smart but ended up embarassing myself..but it was still fun... it was great that all the 4 groups of frens are slowly merging into one...after skating we had the best ice cream .... damn nice... and then bowling was great too... actually met a fren from sp too..suprising.... but good... long time havent seen both of them...since spm i think.... but i guess everything changes... it hardly ever stays the same.... so those goin through a rough time.... a little patience, things will change... i had the best days of my was da bomb..heheh....


At 10:51 AM, Blogger S.zhen a.k.a. reVerie said...

Life would be boring if it's only a carousel...haha...though that ride will be needed sometimes...
must admit that jahn sure has a way to break the gap between students and him...most unexpected ways..hope u'll have a great week ...and more weeks to come...and yeah, sure u can link to mine ;p

At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahh...i am so disappointed with u larr!!...HUh~...u came to pyramid and still never called me somemore!!...haihh...tanak kawan arr mcm ni!!! **sob** **sob**


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